draft0 - a shared blog by just some people


Entries tagged 'cat:Thoughts' (Page 2)

A bad Bad Religion cover band name: Bad Nutrition

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The thing that I'm most often surprised about is how often I'm surprised about things that I should have known or already knew.

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Why is the Windows Subsystem for Linux called the Windows Subsystem for Linux when it is a Linux Subsystem for Windows?

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Sometimes I find it helpful, calming and stress reducing to remind myself of SOFA. The principle "Start Often Fuck Achievements" is one I tend to live by and believe in. But I also often hold myself accountable to the status of unfinished projects and try to justify before myself the state of hobby projects that didn't end up looking as professional as they could have been if I had put 10 years more work and experience into them, even though that never really is the goal when I start a project. When I start to write some software, build or compile something, write a blog entry (or a series) or even just watch a movie series or read a book, I almost always do it for fun, out of interest for the subject, to pass time in a fulfilling way or to do something for somebody elese. If - or I rather should say when - I stop before something is "done" because it's not that much fun any more, I lost interest, don't have the time at that moment or the one I was trying to help is satisfied with very little or no longer in need what I was trying to do, then there is no purpose to continue these projects. When something is "done" could be seen as an arbitrary point anyway. Almost no hobby projects actually have a point were they suddenly become having been worth the effort and leaving nothing else to do. Even a jigsaw puzzle, to use a simple example, that actually does have such a sudden point of being finished (unless it's this one) could be aborted at any point and still have served the purpose of passing time and training skills. But most of my projects don't even have a predefined point at which they would be considered finished. So why feel bad if I abandon a project without having reached that point?

From the SOFA 🛋 web page: You can be finished with your project whenever you decide to be done with it. And "done" can mean anything you want it to be. Whose standards of completion or perfection are you holding yourself to anyway? Forget about those! Something is done when you say it is. When it's no longer interesting. When you've gotten a sufficient amount of entertainment and experience from it. When you've learned enough from it. Whatever, whenever. Done is what you say it is.

You can find different philosophical reasonings or rational justifications for how and why applying this principle might be a good thing, or even what it means to you and which rules apply to you. I myself am actually satisfied with just stating that it's a good idea. It feels good to remember. That's enough. This web site was founded with a similar philosophy in mind even though I had never heard of SOFA. I just need to remind myself of that every now and then.

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Maybe the world has, from the western luxury-chasing society's view point, already started to end and we're just stretching it out.

Maybe the clearest turning point, that will be seen as the cluster of events that started the big change, is this year.

Maybe shit will really start to go down in the coming years, as most seem to expect.

Maybe more than one of those are true.

It probably doesn't matter. Either way I'm starting to think that it's interesting how different people react to the very slow realisation that this society's midlife crisis is real and here.

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Sitting next to my training bike, procrastinating using it and reading a review of research papers about the benefits of aerobic exercise for executive functioning. But not without interrupting my reading to check emails and write this post.

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With an estimated average speed of 21.938 cm/h and 4 hours of breaks each day, my nose ran about 13 meters in the last three days. That means I'll probably be able to catch it once I'm out of quarantine and thus won't loose my sense of smell for very long.

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I overestimate that by 2025 there will be more distinct keyboard layouts than humans.

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