draft0 - a shared blog by just some people


Entries tagged 'cat:Thoughts' (Page 3)

Ob ich es wohl in absehbarer Zeit schaffen werde, es mir selbst gegenüber zu rechtfertigen, zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs angenommen zu haben, dass es ausreichende Gründe dafür gibt, 560 € für eine für den Einsatzzerck individualisierte, klappbare Aluminium-Sackkarre auszugeben, nur weil ich sie ja beruflich einsetze und bei Einkäufen professionellen Equipments keine Kompromisse eingehen möchte, dass ich es nicht für den Rest des Jahres bereuen werde, kann ich aktuell nur schwer einschätzen.

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On close inspection, really everyone is the same: different. For that reason I don't understand how there can be a viable concept of neurodiversity in contrast to a neurotypical majority. But I do understand the concept. Weird.

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The frontmost part of my tongue it littered with forgotten thoughts and blog entry ideas.

I wanted to post about three things today after work, when I'm back with my computer. I will likely remember one or two of those things when I'm back at work and can't take a break to write a blog entry.

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So, since it seems that almost everybody seems to agree that Russian gas is bad, I decided to help by destroying as much of it as possible. All my windows are opened all day and my gas heater is turned up all the way.

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Entry created on 2022-04-10 Authors: steeph (294) Categories: Thoughts (71) Languages used: en (157)

I think it would be cool if we could adopt "Go die in a ditch!" as a casual goodbye. Kind of like "Break a leg!" in the theatre world but more openly made up with the intention of saying the opposite of what is meant. You know, like "Godieinaditch :)"

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If you have come to like cheese with honey and then pork with chocolate and then none of the two, then maybe you've reached the pinnacle of your sensual development. I don't know.

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Frustration ought to be illegal.

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If walking from a house to a car and from a car to a house feels like I finally got up from my ass and got at least some sort of exercise, then something is wrong about how I spend my days.

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