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Telling Old Stories For No Important Reason

I think I'm prone to telling stories from my past when I'm left with the choice of topic but there is no obvious topic right now that has to be discussed. So at moments at which I want to write something on here but not because there is a specific thing that I want to say or explore, I may fall back to telling about things that I did or made or remember from 20 years or so ago. That might seem nostalgic at (many) times. BNut I don't think that that's a bad thing at all. When I write about things I remember fondly, I welcome the feelings such memries evoke. Yearning or unfulfillable longing something from the past that can't be brought back isn't usually part of this. I like sharing some memories, like how my PC hobby was like decades ago were the industry and especially the tech itself was different. And on here, I decide what's worth talking about. Yes, this is a bit of an apologetical entry. Whatever.

I'd love to read from you if you either had different or the same experiences of things that I write about. There's a link for e-mail comments beneath each entry.

When somebody says they're reprocessing old memories it's expected to mean that they're looking back and coming to terms with their past. I think can also be meant in a good way. I'm remembering something and decide to explore my memories of it further; maybe because I'm inmdtrigued of the feeling of remembering something that I had completely forgotton about for 20 years, or simply because it's a nice memory. Maybe I'm looking at old photos of things that made, people I've met, places I've travelled to; and while more and more memories from that time come back, I eventually put them into my new perspective. I know I'm also changing my memories when I do this. The psychology of how memories are formed, saved, remembered and altered (and sometimes faked entirely) is very interesting. There are so many papers to read about memory-related researtch that suggest that most people most of the time assume that (at least their own) memory function differently from what it actually does and is granted much more credibility than it deserves. But anyway, it can be vbery interesting to bring memories from way back into connection with what you've experienced since then and your reality today.

What I'm doing here when I wriote about an idea for something that I had 20 years ago or something that I made back then, I'm slowly catching up with my desire to document certain things from my head. Text is the medium that feels right for that. A few years ago I've accepted that I will never have the perfect website which contains everything that I want it to, complete and structured and nothing boring. Because I never got anywhere when that was my goal. Now I'm just putting thing in entries and that's that. That also includes things that even 20 years ago I wanted to publish on the web but never did properly. I'm not doing it in the way that I decided then was the proper way. I'm just writing down thoughts and memories so that these memories don't belong in the "Oh, I never ended up deing this. Maybe I should at some point." category in my mind. Sometimes it feels like I have accomplished something that I had in the back of my head for 20 years simply because I write here that I once had this idea and still think it's a kind of neat idea but never did anything with it. And sometimes I delete it again right away because it really wasn't interesting in any way.

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