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Entries tagged 'cat:Art'

New Acrylic LED Pictures

I still make st least some of these LED pictures each year to sell at GalaCon Some of them I like better than others. But there aren't really any that stand out enough for me to want to share them here. I'm making qantity above all, not investing the necessary time and effort to realise the more elaborate ideas. A sheet, a template, outlines, possibly shadows. Like the ones of which I've attached quick snapshots below (quick and dirty, including greasy fingerptints, sorry). No multiple colours, no 3D effect, no several seconds, no customised software for the LED driver. There are so man things that could be done. I'm producing what I think that people want to see at my vendow table. That's still fun. I'm just not approaching the limits of my potential, which could potentially be much more fun. I've always approached this LED picture thing like cooking for a popular restaurant. I make what I knwo people will like, plus some variety. But I'm neither a cook nor am I trying to make money with this venture. Maybe I'll explore making what I want to make more from now on. Just one more interesting picture a year, or something.

I've always had ideas for more complex LED pictures and night lights. At making some of them I've made attempts before. But Nothing that I'm proud of enough to post here. The idea to spend more time on a single picture and possibly make multiple iterations until I'm satisfied has been rekindled though by one specific conversation that I had last year with themisto97. He has made some very elaborate multi-colour LED pictures. There's Jungle Sunset, Sunset Magic, Daring Do and he told me last week that he might try and get around to adding more to his Gallery soon.

And while I'm at it, here are three more LED pictures that I like that are not just outlines: A hand-engraved Princess Luna with different area-filling styles by Ksander-Zen (more night lights from them), hand-engraved, multi-coloured Colonia by Malte279 and laser-etched, monochrome ditcher of Moon Dancer with Party Favor by VasGoTec.

Oh, look, there's an extra paragraph where a description of my ideas for multi-coloured LED pictures could be that could make somebody hold me to making them because I said I wanted to.

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