draft0 - a shared blog by just some people


Entries tagged 'cat:short' (Page 8)

🕐🍂! 🙂

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Hello World, my name's struki

Entry Permalink (edited 2021-06-03) Authors: struki (8) Categories: short (96) Languages used: en (157)

To quote Karl Marx: "Every beginning is hard."

I'm not sure that's true, but it's still the reason this post exists. Just to start somewhere.

And if I have to start somewhere, hardness notwithstanding, why not do it by quoting Marx.

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I had a silly 👁️🦌: I could use unicodemoticons more often.

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Reddit votes in mysterious ways.

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I'm drunk. Sorry.

Edit: I hardly remember making this entry. But my guess is that I had a subjectively good reason. So I'm leaving it here even if I don't know what it is referring to. (I don't even know how sorry I was.)

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Useless Memories (Part 1)

Before I started writing the sentence, I remembered something unrelated, switched the tab in my terminal emulator, fixed a bug, switched back... and now I can't remember what it is that I wanted to write about here. So I just wrote that because it's also related to thoughts and memory.

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I know the correct answer to every question that has ever been asked, will be asked, or even just thought of.

It's "That depends."

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Neues Hobby: 30 Minuten vor Beginn der Ausgangssperre noch mal kurz raus gehen und die nahezu menschenfreie Welt genießen. Schade, dass es bis 21 Uhr noch nicht dunkel ist. Aber ansonsten könnte man das meinetwegen gerne eine Weile so lassen.

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