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Web Pages About The Web Worth Reading

My thoughts about the state of the web and how to shape it are not the most interesting ones. They're fueled by articles and other pages I've read. I decided to link to a few here. Many more I've read and closed without saving the URL. But maybe I'll extend this list in the future so it becomes a curated reading list on the topic.

Web Browsers and Engines

  • grazer - grazer is like a web browser but trees are shorter
  • Dillo - fast and small graphical web browser
  • Servo - The embeddable, independent, memory-safe, modular, parallel web rendering engine
  • Verso - web browser built on top of the Servo
  • The Argonaut Constellation - range of software projects aiming to illustrate the potential for a more private JavaScript-free web
  • NetSurf - multi-platform web browser - small as a mouse, fast as a cheetah
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