I don't know. I just kinda wanna have said this once.
I'm not creating a carefully outlined collection of blog posts worth reading here. I just make or edit an entry when I feel like it. About what I feel like
writing about at that moment. I decided that I don't want to let thoughts like the realisation that what I'm writing won't might not be interesting to
anybody or the apprehension that an unfinished, not proof read or evidently meaningless entry won't be of any use to anybody stop me from making an entry. This is
my space, I decide what I put here and I refuse to impose a standard on it. I may treat this like my diary with entries that will only be of value to me (or future
me) or share something that I actually find worth sharing or I might post something that I would never have thought I'd post here, before I did so.
I guess one way of saying what I want to say is: I know this is not the most interesting blog on the web. So what?