draft0 - a shared blog by just some people


All Entries (Page 28)

SBWG - Topic Tagpage Sorting

The way tagpages of topic (top:) tags are displayed is pretty much complete and the way I intended it to look when I first thought of splitting blog entry tags into two tag types. Basically, categories (cat: tags) are like classic tags in blogs: a way to add keywords to entries and list all entries that are tagged with that keyword. Topic tags on the other hand are meant to tag entries that talk about a certain topic about which a visitor might want to read up regardless of when individual entries on the topic have been posted. A topic tapage represents an index on a topic. It lists all the entries that are relevant to the topic in a structured way. You could write a book, one chapter per blog entry and have it simultaniously presented as a weblog (with category tags) and as a orderly indexed book in which visitors up a certain chapter. I still have to make up my mind on how I want to structure my own blog entries. But the fuctionality in the software is there. I will very likely also add another feature that enables structuring entries and pages into custom menues. So the options for web site builders will be grand with this weird took.

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World Science Festival

The World Science Festical is an event that seems to bring scientists from different fields with highly interesting or intriguing thoughts and ordinary humans together once a year. I don't really know much more about it than the Wikipedia article says. But after wathing several of the panel recordings on YouTube I feel like sharing some of the (to me) most interesting topics.

This is just a small selecltion from similar videos that are way worth watching. The videos on their YouTube channel are sorted into playlists by topic category.

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I know the correct answer to every question that has ever been asked, will be asked, or even just thought of.

It's "That depends."

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Neues Hobby: 30 Minuten vor Beginn der Ausgangssperre noch mal kurz raus gehen und die nahezu menschenfreie Welt genießen. Schade, dass es bis 21 Uhr noch nicht dunkel ist. Aber ansonsten könnte man das meinetwegen gerne eine Weile so lassen.

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The Thing About Lucid Dream Induction Techniques

There are so many different induction techniques for lucid dreams. Especially in the large American community people seem to like to give them names (mostly acronyms) and share them like some kind of genius invention. But most of them rely on the same underlying principles of which not many need to be learned if you want to gather enough experience to increase your chances of having a lucid dream. Im no kind of expert in this matter. But I was involved in the lucid dreaming community for some years, read many books on the topic and tried many of the incuction techniques successfully myself. So I feel like I do know more about the subject than the average person. I just thought I'd share what I believe to be the basics that can be easily overlooked by somebody who dives into the subject and learns too much too quickly.

It would be good if we could rely on scientific research to determin which techniques and practices are most successful in bringing which type of practitioner closer to their goal. But I don't think enough studies have been done to even know which practices play the most important role for the average practitioner. And those studies that have been performed used different aproaches, different methodology, selected participants differently and collected different data so they can not be meaningfully compared.

That's why my entries on this topic will mainly be about the basics; in particular about those practices that either have been studied among a group of people under controlled conditions and those that appear to be so successful in the community that I'm not hesitant to recommend investing time into them if you want to have (more) lucid dreams. I will post about this under the tag top:Dreaming:Lucid Dreaming:Induction.

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Heaters Gonna Heat

File Attachments (1 file)

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Displaying Images In The Teminal

18.04.2021 11:27:01 steeph@fatty:~ 0 $ viu /mnt/happy/B/pony/pinkie.gif -h 37

I had a look around recently for a way to display images on a linux command line, e.g. to check image files over ssh quickly. Turns out there are several prominent projects. I shouldn't be surprised by that. But now I feel a bit stupid that that's apparently a pretty common idea that I could have had a lot sooner.

Anyway. I went with viu because it's easy to install and to use and doesn't require a graphics card or anything other than a terminal connection. It plays animated GIFs, supports more than 256 colours if the terminal does and is written in rust (for those who care, I guess). The image resolution isn't high (because it's actually text characters). But that's a trade-off I'm willing to take for the advantage that it works in a text-only terminal.

Simply install it with

cargo install viu

and use it like this:

viu image.jpg


viu /path/to/image/diretory/

(You may have to add your cargo bin directory to PATH first.)

Github: https://github.com/atanunq/viu

18.04.2021 11:38:59 steeph@fatty:~ 0 $ find /mnt/happy/B/dinge -iname *6*finger*hand*.jpg -exec viu -h 20 -t {} +

There are other similar tools that use the framebuffer or aalib (ASCII art) to display images. But those aren't my first choice because I don't always have a framebuffer to write to and ASCII art in low resolution is a bit too little image quality sometimes.

But they have their advantages as well, so let me mention them at least.

img2sexel - Using sixels to accomplish higher resolution with text only. Sadly I don't always hava a terminal emulator that supports sixels.

fbvs (FrameBuffer Viewer Simple) - Also probably a very fine tool but not for my main use case. Maybe I would have used it if it had simply worked after installation.

FIM (fbi improved) - Supports framebuffer device method and several other graphical libraries as well as ASCII art.

lsix (Like "ls", but for images.) - I like that one a lot, too because it can display image thumbnails in a grid out of the box. But again, sixtel is not an option for me at the moment.

There are more, but those are the main ones I saw mentioned and recommended all over. fbi is an older one. There are implementations for some applications (w3m, mutt, VIM, ...) but I didn't look into those because I don't need them.

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Dlog war eine Traumtagebuch-Webseite, die ich gebaut hatte, weil unter den existierenden Traumtagebuch-Apps, ob für den Browser, Desktop oder Mobilgeräte, fern oder lokal gehostet, keine war, die meinen Anforderungen entsprochen oder wenigstens mein gewünschtes Feature-Set hatte.

Weil ich mich beim Feature-Implementieren überhaupt nicht zurückgehalten hatte und relativ früh zu meinem Ziel erklärte, alle Features aller existierender Apps für den Zweck des Traum-Aufzeichnens in einer unterzubringen verlor Dlog eine meiner initialen Anforderungen: Einfachheit und Übersichtlichkeit. Aber ich kannte mich ja sehr gut mit allen Funktionen aus. Also hat mich das nicht gestört.

Weil ich die Webseite mit Drupal gebaut hatte, was nicht nur das einzige CMS war, das ich damals für irgendwelche Projekte in Erwägung gezogen habe, sondern auch eine exzellente Wahl, war es kein Aufwand, Benutzerkonten und -anmeldung zu implementieren. Es entstand also eine Traumtagebuch-Aufzeichnungs-und-Archivierungs-Plattform, die vom Funktionsumfang her jeder anderen vergleichbaren Anwendung überlegen war. Leider verlor ich die Motivation, an der Seite weiter zu arbeiten, als ich realisierte, dass sich niemand aus der deutschsprachigen Klarträumer-Community für so eine Plattform interessierte. Und da ich ja selbst nie vor hatte, meine Traumaufzeichnungen zu veröffentlichen und ohnehin die meiste Zeit keine brauchbaren Aufzeichnungen anfertige, war es mir dann doch zu viel, die Seite selbst zu benutzen. Jede Text-Datei und jeder halbe Papierzettel war mir genug für meine Traum-Aufzeichnungen.

So nahm ich die Seite also wieder offline noch bevor ich einen Domainname für sie gekauft hatte und kann nicht mal behelligt werden, sie wieder aufzusetzen, um für diesen Eintrag einen Screenshot von ihr zu machen.


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